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Danesholme Infant Academy



Below are some fun songs for you and your children to sing along to, whilst instilling some good hygiene practices at the same time:

Elmo washing his hands wash hands song by Elmo – social distancing song – The Wiggles social distancing song – social distancing song – ways to say hello without touching

Here are some other fun websites that can support you with this, and have a lovely time with your children. 

Peppa PigLearning 4 Kids

CBeebies Watch & Sing

Nick Jr Music Hub

Nursery rhymes

Learning to talk

Children quite often learn to talk at a very young age (and don't worry if yours doesn't, everyone is different, and it's not a competition!).  Talk Together: Closing the word gap in the early years by Lorelli Mojica from 2018 offers great advice for monitoring and developing young children’s initial communication and language skills.  Download this interesting article from the list below.